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Welcome to my cooker where I develop anything to to with Linux but usually I'm helping out with BunsenLabs or I can be found tinkering with Debian testing or even Slackware64-current.

A particular interest of mine is wayland due to reasonably early adoption of Labwc (2021) and I am a team member of the organisation since early 2022. In fact I was the originator of merging gettext into the source tree. Since then Labwc has been translated into over 25 different languages! I've also had merged numuerous small bugfixes and enhancements and have also worked on the peripheral sofware:

I also develop a few different programs mostly written in 'C' and some in 'shell' (bash or sh). I'm also quite interested in svg and other vector formats including cairo.

You can check out my projetcts at GitHub here and my GitHub profile here.

Check out the links page to find out what else is on this site.